Wednesday, June 3, 2009

familia de Elder Smith

-----Original Message-----
From: shain smith []
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 2:24 PM
Subject: familia de Elder Smith

Hey everyone how is everyone doing? really well i hope. Ecuador is doing well as well haha. We are teaching alot of people and helping people to change their lives. my new comp Elder Merchan is doing really well. he is teaching great and learning alot. im doing all that i can to be a good example to him so that he learns right. its kinda of funny because he still speacks spanish from columbia and doesnt understand alot of the ecuatorian words or phrases so he is always asking me what stuff means or how do you say this and i looka t him and say,,hey im the gringo you have to teach me how to speak haha but its good. ive learned that pretty much every country has their own way to speak so when i got home im going ot have to learn how to speak a different spanish.

as far as the people that we are teaching it looks like Liseth is finally going to get baptized. she is the wife of a convet so that would be awsome to see her follow the example of her husband. we have a few other people that arfe progressing and should be ready for there baptisms this month.

a cool experince that we had this week was that last monday we were in a family homw everning and one of there friends asked if we could finish early to give a blessing to a nieghbor because he was really sick and in the morning was going to go the hospital to be operated. we went ot the house and gave the blessing and explained the importance of faith to be able to be healed. He went to the hospital the next day and the doctors couldnt find anything wrong with him and they didnt have to operate. Lots of faith and the power of the priesthood. Glad that we could be instruments in the hands of the Lord. We have an appointment with him and his wife today and i think that they are going to progress a lot.

Well, thanks to everyone that wrote me today. good to hear that reno is doing well. until next week, Love and miss you all.

Elder Smith

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